Warning Signs of Cyberbullying: What Parents Need to Know

By Tyler Damon

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When we were at school, our parents knew that bullying stopped at our front door. The home was a sanctuary away from name-calling and teasing. Today’s children don’t have that luxury. For all the great things that technology gives to kids today, it also brings about new problems. Now, bullying continues 24/7.

Where Does Cyberbullying Usually Happen?

Cyberbullying refers to any sort of bullying that happens over digital media like texts, social media, online games, and emails. Cyberbullies send or share harmful content aiming to torment, humiliate, and intimidate their victims. Statistics indicate that more than 40% of adults have first-hand experience with cyberbullying.

This is, of course, a worrying statistic for our children, too, as rates of cyberbullying victimization among middle school and high school students have never been higher.

5 Signs That Your Child Is a Victim of Bullying

Spotting that your child is being cyberbullied is key to stopping it. Here, we’ll describe some important warning signs to look out for. If you notice these signs, using a spy app like Eyezy can give you the answers you need. After all, bullied children aren’t always forthcoming with telling parents about what’s going on and there are some cases where parents go through their child’s phone to find out what is happening with their children.

Using Their Devices Significantly More (Or Less)

If your child suddenly changes how they use their device, it could be a sign that something is not quite right. Though this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re being bullied online, it is often a consequence of this. Children often spend less time using their devices when they’re being bullied. Some also spend more and more time trying to fight back.

Talking About Self-Harm

Some signs of cyberbullying can be natural. Children might naturally start to use a device less as they get older, for example. However, one sign that can’t be ignored is self-harm or talking about it. Cyberbullying is a significant factor in young people who self-harm, so if you notice these behaviors, it’s important to get to the bottom of it.

Showing Drastic Changes in Their Mood

Mood changes are normal through adolescence and the teen years. However, drastic changes in mood can often be a sign that something more is going on, like cyberbullying. If your child is showing signs of depression, anxiety, anger, and sadness, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re being bullied online. It’s important, though, to work out what’s going on.

Complaining to Get Out of Going to School

Even though cyberbullying can happen anywhere and at any time, traditional bullying often accompanies it too. This means children might complain about made-up ailments to avoid going to school. Stomach aches and headaches are common complaints—and they might even be physical manifestations of the trauma that’s going on.

Having Difficulty Sleeping

Happy adolescents seem to love their sleep. If your child is finding sleep difficult, this could mean they’re experiencing cyberbullying. There are a plethora of other reasons for this, too, but the anxiousness that often accompanies cyberbullying can affect how much sleep a victim gets.

Spotting the Signs and Taking Action

Parenting isn’t easy, and signs of cyberbullying can often be explained by other factors. It’s important for parents to take a holistic approach to understanding what’s going on with their child. Teens are notorious for bottling things up, so if you can’t figure out what’s wrong, you might need to take more drastic measures like using a spy app. Good luck.

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